UI 顱薦椎療法第二階段 CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Ⅱ WORKSHOP (CS2) 日期Date:2024/11/07~2024/11/10

2024 07/08

UI 顱薦椎療法第二階段 CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Ⅱ WORKSHOP (CS2) 日期Date:2024/11/07~2024/11/10

■ 研習重點Course Highlight :
 建立基本概念、了解顱薦椎系統和顱薦椎療法技術。
Build the foundation to understand the craniosacral system and study techniques to effect change.
 深入討論顱薦椎系統的解剖、生理構造及其與病症、疼痛及功能失調之間的關聯性。
Discuss and describe the anatomy and physiology of the craniosacral system and its relationship to illness, pain and dysfunction.
 評估並治療蝶-枕關節病變及硬顎,硬顎也是顱薦椎系統的一部分。
Evaluate and treat sphenobasilar lesions and bones of the hard palate as they relate to the craniosacral system.restrictions in the body by focusing on the cranium, sacrum, craniosacral rhythm and related soft tissue.
 引發椎段手法的示範與評估。
Demonstrate and evaluate the fascial segments.
 弧動手法、筋膜滑動、硬膜管及傾聽站手法的示範與評估。
Demonstrate and evaluate arcing, fascial glide, dural tube and listening stations.
 能量囊的定義及臨床病徵。
Demonstrate energy cysts, definitions, clinical significance
 局部組織釋放示範。
Demonstrate regional tissue release
 引發椎段示範
Demonstrate facilitated segments





OO、陳O家、賴O仁、OO、陳O霖、OO、曾O瑋、 OO樂、林O嬇、林O隆、陳O騰、陳O駿、邱O翰、黃O虹、高O如、涂O瑋、蘇O頲、李O晉、王O賢、方O睿、黃O娟、柯O伊、張O豪、陳O樺、王O璇、陳O玨、王O雅、彭O君、蔡O樺







■講師介紹Instructor: Mariann Sisco ,PT,CST-D

Mariann Sisco於1978年畢業於美國科羅拉多大學獲得物理治療與心理學學位,接觸顱薦椎療法之後,許多年的時間便一直在Dr.Upledger身邊學習並擔任助教。

Mariann善用顱薦椎療法、內臟筋膜鬆動術(VM)與Mechanical Link等等治療方法並熱衷於幫人們解決最為困擾的問題,1988年新墨西哥大學給了他們第一個”年度臨床教育家”的獎項給Mariann以表彰她在臨床的貢獻,2000年成為Upledger Institute的講師後便活耀於世界各地進行教學。

Mariann Sisco is passionate about helping people solve even the most puzzling issues. Once struggling with her own health challenges that didn't respond to conventional care, she discovered the guiding principles of CranioSacral Therapy and other osteopathic approaches...and finally experienced hope and healing.

Fueled by her personal belief that you cannot diagnose the power of the human spirit, Mariann now delights in sharing her skills with patients and students alike.

Mariann has enjoyed a long and celebrated career in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, orthopedic clinics and most recently at the Upledger Institute incorporating CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation and Mechanical Link in her work to improve functional outcomes and relieve pain. In 1988, The University of New Mexico named her their first "Clinical Educator of the Year."

■報名資格Prerequisite :已修畢CS1顱薦椎手法-第一階段

人數限制Maximum number of participate : 30人(含複訓2名)。

Maximum number of class student: 30 people (including 2 people of refresher training)


※For those who are returning training to the class: Please fill in your information and indicate < refresher training, and the year /month of the first class> in the remarks column.



■Course fee: NT$ 32000  

The fee does not include lunch. Tea、water and snacks available during breaks.